On the occasion of the annual meeting of the American Postgraduate Institutions operating in Italy, on Thursday, February 29th, 2024, Civitella Ranieri will open its doors for a poetry reading by Director’s Guests Borys and Lyudmyla Khersonsky.

The reading will be held in the Castle starting at 6:15 PM. Reservations are free but mandatory as there are limited seats available.

Lyudmyla Khersonska, Director’s Guest supported by the Joseph Brodsky Fellowship Fund
Writing, Ukraine

Lyudmyla Khersonska is the author of four poetry books. A Russophone poet, she has spoken about Russia’s war in Ukraine and read her poetry about the war many times. Her poems have been translated into Ukrainian, Lithuanian, and German; she has read in Moscow, Kyiv, Lviv, Munich, and New York. Her book Tyl’naia-litsevaia includes reflections on Russian aggression in Ukraine. Khersonska translates English-language poets such as Vladimir Nabokov and Seamus Heaney into Russian.

Borys Khersonsky, Director’s Guest supported by the Joseph Brodsky Fellowship Fund
Writing, Ukraine

Borys Khersonsky is one of Ukraine’s most prominent writers and the recipient of national and international awards. Much of his work is in Russian, but in recent years he has published increasingly in Ukrainian. Khersonsky lives in Odessa and is chair of the clinical psychology department at Odessa National University. During the Soviet period he played an important role in Underground culture and was published throughout the Soviet Union in samizdat (unofficial, “self-published” works distributed through networks of acquaintances). 

Thursday, February 29th, 2024
6:00 PM Welcome cocktail 
6:15 PM Reading
Please RSVP here