Amy Denio (CRF 2004) has just come back from “a rather insane & deeply emotional 32-concert tour in 13 countries through Europe & the Balkans with the Tiptons Sax Quartet and Kultur Shock“.
Here are Tiptons Sax Quartet Tour photos in Austria/Germany/Hungary and Kultur Shock Tour photos and Chris Stromquist’s documentary videos through Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece and Macedonia.
You can now also listen to Amy Denio’s latest release: Immersion Composition Society 05 2019 (Jebiga).
“Delighted to return to rock bass, playing with Jane Mabry-Smith,Â
Gretta Harley, Chris Gibson, and Jane’s son Alex Dillard.
CD release next Friday!” – AD
Friday May 31st, 2019: Virago Album Release // Into the Cold // Beyond Captain Orca at The Royal Room
“Luscious music with my beloved compadres Abel Rocha and Madeleine Sosin ~ Gorgeous pan-Latin music on 12 instruments.” – AD
Saturday June 1st, 2019: Issaquah Art Walk
Friday June 14th, 2019:Â The Tasting Room
Friday June 21st, 2019: Balance: A Story Concert