Arthur Simms (DG 2008, Juror) will participate in the Caribbean Transitions exhibition, curated by Keith Morrison, at the Katzen Museum at American University.

This exhibition explores the character, complexity, and originality of art by Caribbean American artists as they expand the art of the North American continent. The 20 artists in the exhibition are respected internationally, and many are represented in major museums in the United States and abroad. Their work spans painting, printmaking, photography, video, and installation. These artists reveal unique relationships between the Caribbean and the US in ways that expand and enrich a wider understanding of American art and culture. The Caribbean is the historic fulcrum of the cultures of the Americas and the art in this exhibition exemplifies that importance.

The exhibition opens on June 11 with a gallery talk at 5PM and an opening reception from 6-9PM; the exhibition will be available through August 7, 2022. RSVP for the gallery talk on Eventbrite. Learn more here.

Image: Pepón Osorio, Lonely Soul, 2008. Wooden crutches, fiberglass, wood, Styrofoam, resin, pins, wheelchair wheels, 106 x 83 x 77 in. Courtesy of the artist.