Studio Daniel Canogar (CRF 2015) presents one of its most ambitious projects to date at the Spanish Pavilion of Expo Dubái 2020 (delayed from its original date due to the pandemic). Dynamo is a site-specific audiovisual artwork created in collaboration with the sound artist and composer Francisco López.
The artwork, suspended in the atrium of the main pavilion and surrounded by a descendant and spiral alley, consists of three sculptural screens shaped like interlaced loops that feature generative audiovisual content through the interaction of the visitors and the railing along the ramp. The more contact the rail detects, the more dynamic and colorful the content of Dynamo’ screens will be. Similarly, the sound will be more intense when the interaction is higher. This way, the activation of the artwork is completely in the hands of the visitors.
It is on view at the Expo until March 31st, 2022. Click here to watch a video of the piece, with sound composition by López, and click here for a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the piece.