Support US
Your contributions allow us to make vital improvements so we can better serve the artists, writers, and composers we host from around the globe. Recently, your donations enabled us to make updates to apartment-work spaces, refurbish a grand piano, create more accessible and environmentally conscious facilities, and even expand our vegetable garden to include a beehive. Every gift is a direct investment in the lives of working artists and the cultural vibrancy of the world.
Please join the many Fellows, Director’s Guests, and Friends who give annually to support Civitella’s mission.
Civitella Ranieri is a 501(c)3 operating foundation. U.S. donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.
If you would like to make an online donation, please use the form you see here. You may also make a contribution through Venmo (@CivitellaRanieriFoundation) or directly through PayPal (@civitellaranieri). Alternatively, donations by check may be sent to our New York office:
Civitella Ranieri Foundation
28 Hubert St
New York, NY 10013
Call us at 212-226-2002 if you would prefer to donate via credit card over the phone.
“Civitella is a space where the best parts of Humanity are given a chance to flourish. There should be a program where world politicians and leaders can go and live there and be with us, and see how much can change for the better, in heart and mind, when a meal is shared and lives are opened in words, in shoulders rubbing against one another, nourishing and being nourished in return. Grazie.”