Doug Argue (DG 2016) will be showing the three paintings below at the Nassau County Museum opening July 20th, entitled “Energy: The Power of Art.”

“In a ground-breaking effort for a fine arts museum, top-tier science and major art by Jackson Pollock, Alexander Calder, Jasper Johns, James Rosenquist, Julie Mehretu, Frank Stella, Joseph Cornell and Man Ray will be fused in one dynamic and interactive exhibition. Working with the Brookhaven National Laboratories and the Tesla Museum, this innovative project juxtaposes masterworks in many media with images produced by the most advanced scientific instruments, and even an active “cloud chamber,” to explore the supposedly “invisible” world of energy.”

The opening reception will be held on July 19th from 5:30-7:30 pm at the Nassau County Museum of Art, in Roslyn, New York.

More information can be found here.