Join us on Monday, May 30th 2022 for a literature presentation.

Emilio Fraia, Fellow (Writing, Brazil)

Emilio Fraia was born in São Paulo, Brazil, in 1982. Writer and editor, his most recent book, Sevastopol, was published in the US (by New Directions), UK (Lolli Editions), Sweden (Tranan), and Norway (Solum Bokvennen). Sevastopol was also one of the winners of the Biblioteca Nacional Prize; semifinalist of the Oceanos Prize and finalist of Jabuti Prize, and it is being adapted for the big screen by the Japanese director Takeshi Fukunaga. Fraia was named one of Granta’s Best Young Brazilian Writers. His texts have appeared in The New Yorker, The Paris Review, and other publications.

Maylis de Kerangal, Fellow (Writing, France)

Maylis de Kerangal is a French writer born in 1967. Her fictions weave in documentary research, and are marked by the imprint of places, movement, vocality, and description. Her novels have often been adapted for the theater and the cinema. Among them are Corniche Kennedy (2008), Birth of a Bridge (2010), The Heart (2014), and Painting Time (2018). In 2020, she was an associate artist at the Musée d’Orsay and holds the chair of literature at SciencesPo Paris. Her latest book, Canoes (2021), is a collection of short stories about the human voice. 

Vivek Shanbhag, Fellow (Writing, India)

Vivek Shanbhag writes in Kannada. He has published five short story collections, five novels, and three plays. He has edited two anthologies, one of which is in English.  Vivek edited the Kannada literary journal Deshakaala for seven years. His critically acclaimed novel Ghachar Ghochar has been translated into 18 languages worldwide, and was listed as one of the best ten books of 2017 by the New York Times and The Guardian. Vivek was a 2016 Honorary Fellow at the International Writing Program, University of Iowa. Currently he is a Visiting Professor at Ashoka University. An engineer by training, Vivek lives in Bangalore, India.

Monday, May 30th 2022
Welcome cocktail at 6:00pm
Presentations begin at 6:15pm
Please write to to reserve a spot for this presentation.
Please wear masks inside the Castle.