Not much writing got done those first few days–there was the jet lag, which messed with my sleeping, but also the feeling of being in a constant dream-state. I now lived in a castle! I walked the halls at night in slippers, automatic lights noiselessly clicking on in front of me, illuminating chandeliers and old paintings and long spears leaning in corners. But after a while I did begin writing, wrote more in six weeks than I normally do in 6 or 8 months. My castle time was magical. When the car came to take me to the airport I considered hiding under the bed. And part of me did that… is probably still there.
Due to the reaction enhancing drugs I’ve been taking
the lower left side of my face sags during tennis.
It sags in the locker room and it sags on the pillow.
An owl pretending to be Joanne screeches over
and over again but with just the right pauses
for emphasis. I get up and crack the window a bit.
Recalcitrant chickens drawl chickenspeak into the millet hour.
I hear wine evaporating on the neighbor’s kitchen counter.
Let’s face it I’m sensitive.
“The cactus” wears Jimmy Choo Signature.