Here at Civitella, I have been able to see more deeply into the manuscript of poems that I brought with me to complete. Not only have I written poems here that extend the trajectory that I had envisioned for the book, I’ve surprised myself and deeply revised the other poems in the book that have not yet been published. I am excited to say that those poems now have a much more provocative and intuition-driven energy. If I hadn’t had these six weeks in this incredibly special environment, I don’t think I would have found the wider and more ranging levels of deep attention that have taken the work to a more exciting level than I’d previously conceived for it. This kind of evolution is crucial to a writer’s craft: the insights I’ve gained into this manuscript will nourish the work I will do in the future. Tonight, the moon is glowing a pink that I’ve never seen, something that I learned can happen here. But I would have missed seeing it if one of the other Fellows had not let me know that I might walk out to the lawn for the experience. I mention this, too, because if it hadn’t been for the friendships I’ve made here with the other Fellows—visual artists, sound artists, musicians, composers, film and installation artists, and writers— I would have missed so many opportunities to see and explore new ideas that have expanded my vision. And, I have such gratitude for the director, Dana Prescott, who has shared so much with all of us—I am thinking at this moment of her conversations during the fine dinners, her love of this area of Italy, of the art and architecture, and of the paintings by Piero Della Francesca, which she guided us to more deeply appreciate during museum visits. And, I am so grateful to the incredible staff members, each of them, in their own way, has helped to create an environment where new ideas have room to fully evolve, and new experiences can deeply enhance the interior journeying that has been so rich and rewarding to the trajectory of my poems.