Dear Colleagues, Civitellians, and Friends of Civitella,

Civitella Ranieri Foundation’s Chair of the Board, Helen C. Evarts, has announced the retirement of Executive Director, Dana Prescott at the end of 2022. “I know I speak for the Board and all of us in the Civitella Ranieri family when I express the sense of loss we feel at the retirement of our beloved Executive Director, Dana Prescott. She is a vibrant, dynamic, thoughtful, and committed leader, with a deep love of both the arts and the artists who practice it.”  

Prescott will have concluded 15 years with the Foundation in December 2022. “I have had many wonderful work situations in my life,” Prescott said, “But this period with Civitella has been the most illuminating and beloved of all my life’s work. It’s the international commitment of Civitella that has changed my life, how I see today’s world and the importance of the work of artists, writers, and composers within that world.”

A formal search for a successor is underway with the international search firm, Isaacson Miller. Click here for a complete job description and contact information; click here for a description of Civitella. We turn to you, to our Civitella family, and to your personal and professional connections to ask you to nominate outstanding talent for this important position, or to apply for the position yourself, if appropriate. Applications are welcome through the month of March [EDIT: APPLICATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED].

“We wish Dana a joyful retirement and will miss her enormously, but as we look to the future we are excited by the prospect of a new beginning. We are looking for an exceptional new person to lead us into the future. So it is with deep sadness that we say goodbye to Dana, but we look forward with joy to welcome a new Executive Director,” Helen concluded.

Thank you for spreading word of this opportunity,
Dana Prescott