The Frick

The Frick Collection Lecture Series presents “In the Wildnerness with Bellini”: Darren Waterston (CRF 2005) in Conversation with Xavier F. Salomon.


Best known for his evocative abstract paintings, imagined landscapes, and immersive installations, Waterston discusses the impact masterpieces from the Frick have had on his work with Xavier Salomon.

Xavier F. Salomon is Peter Jay Sharp Chief Curator of The Frick Collection. He is a noted scholar of Paolo Veronese and curated the monographic exhibition on the artist at the National Gallery, London (March–June 2014). Previously, he was Curator in the Department of European Paintings at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and, before that, the Arturo and Holly Melosi Chief Curator at Dulwich Picture Gallery, where he curated Van Dyck in Sicily, 1624–25: Painting and the Plague (2012) and collaborated with Nicholas Cullinan on Twombly and Poussin: Arcadian Painters (2011).


Civitellian Darren Waterston’s paintings are included in numerous permanent collections including the The Berkeley Art Museum, Berkeley, CA; Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles; Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco; New York Public Library, New York City; The Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles; Seattle Art Museum, Seattle; and Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. He lives and works in New York.

Sunday, October 14th, 2-3pm
The Frick Collection – Music Room
1 East 70th Street