Join us Thursday, October 20 at 6:00 PM at the Civitella Castle for Lotte Arnsbjerg & Carman Moore and Claudia Durastanti Presentations.

Lotte Arnsbjerg, Denmark

Lotte Arnsbjerg is a Danish actor, singer, composer, lyricist, play writer, director, entrepreneur, and artistic director of The Art of Transformation (TAoT) & Transformation Festival. Educated at Odense Acting School, Lotte has participated in more than 80 theatre performances, and has acted in significant roles in film and television. 

Carman Moore, Music, USA, Director’s Guest
Carman Moore’s credits include commissions and performances by the New York Philharmonic (Pierre Boulez, conductor), San Francisco Symphony Orchestra (under Seiji Ozawa), the Cleveland Orchestra (Isaiah Jackson, conductor), Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center, the Dayton Opera Company, and the Orchestra of the Sorbonne.  Recently, May 2022) Mr. Moore’s TRUTH AND CONGENIALITY for orchestra and jazz ensemble, premiered at BAM  honoring the late Ornette Coleman.  Recent chamber works have been “Stallion” for solo double bass and “O Greenwood” for solo piano.

Claudia Durastanti, Writing, Italy/USA
Claudia Durastanti (Brooklyn, 1984) is the author of four critically acclaimed novels. She writes for several literary supplements and is on the board of the Turin Book Fair. She is the Italian translator of Joshua Cohen, Ocean Vuong, Elizabeth Hardwick. Strangers I Know, a finalist for the Premio Strega in 2019 and a Pen Translates Award recipient, has been translated into twenty-four languages. She currently lives in Rome.

Thursday, October 20, 2022
Welcome cocktail at 6:00 PM
Presentations begin at 6:15 PM
Please RSVP here.
The event will be streamed on our Instagram profile.