Detroit, MI

Reyes Projects is pleased to announce KUDDELMUDDEL, a two-person exhibition by Michelle Segre (CRF 2016) and Scott Reeder, opening on Friday, September 28 from 6-8 PM. Both artists employ a style of art making that seams together the audacious, and unnatural while examining today’s unavoidable material culture.

Michelle Segre’s assemblages—at turns amoebic and totemic—elevate everyday sweepings to a thoughtfully mapped aesthetic plane. Within an armature of bent wire and brightly colored yarn, the artist places found and handmade matter, revealing them to be of both singular origin and enmeshed within the larger, almost biological systems of consumerism and capitalism. Blurring the lines between the home grown and the manufactured, objects such as carrots, mushrooms, fan blades, and saws force the viewer to reconsider environmental boundaries.


These freestanding and wall-mounted sculptures, while reveling in a contemporary disarray, are in tight dialogue with disparate sculptural practices over the past century: Louise Bourgeois, Isamu Noguchi, Joan Miró. They grapple with issues of permanence and temporality; of the plinth—mediating the transition between object and site. In their boisterous colors and forms, their raw, unpolished finishes act as both fly catchers and dream catchers.


The exhibition will be on view at the gallery through November 17, 2018. Please visit the link below for more information.