Li Yiding

Li Yiding

(1949-2015) My 42 Days in the Civitella Ranieri Castle, by Li Yiding (translated by Li Yixiong)                                              The Civitella Ranieri Foundation is a non-profit corporation with offices in New York City, USA, named from the 15th century...
Civitella Ranieri Group 1

Civitella Ranieri Group 1

     May 2nd – June 11th, 2019 Fellows and Director’s Guests: Rathin Barman, Fellow, (Visual Arts, India) Urban architecture and architectural forms are primaryinterests of Barman’s recent practice. He has documented different layers of  architectural...
Phillip Lopate

Phillip Lopate

TEA AT THE PLAZA What is important to an adult and what matters to a child are so often at variance that it is a wonder the two ever find themselves on the same page. Parents may feel an occasional urge to spend money extravagantly on their offspring, only to discover...
Elliot Sharp

Elliot Sharp

I have always tried to “hear my own sound,” one which does not easily fall into any specific category but always displays a recognizable signature. Even when operating within a specifically-defined genre, I try to develop a unique vocabulary and syntax for...
Eric Orner

Eric Orner

I’ve spent the past 30 years as a working artist, widely publishing comics, cartoons and graphic fiction in leading publications. But necessity has compelled me for many of these years to balance a very active artistic life with a fairly stressful, professional life...