Hassan Taha’s (CRF 2023) new piece Am Ufer der Aare (On the banks  of the Aare), for 8 horns and alphorn, will be performed on Friday, January 26th, 2024, at 7:30 p.m. in the Bern Conservatory/Switzerland.

“The Syrian composer Hassan Taha, an alumnus of the HKB (Bern University of the Arts), wrote the composition Am Ufer der Aare for eight horns and alphorn for the HKB horn ensemble. Hassan Taha: ‘This work is about the Aare and its surroundings. The three tones (A, R, E), which flow through the entire fabric of the piece in different forms, were inspired by the name of the river. The work has narrative impressionistic dimensions that incorporate contemporary expanded musical techniques. First, natural sounds can be heard on the banks of the Aare using special playing techniques. Voices of various birds and natural sounds overlap and form a polyrhythmic sound landscape, which leads to the fast and lively Syrian dance Dabke in 5⁄8 time. Dabke means ‘to stamp one’s feet on the ground’ in Syriac. ‘ This composition was commissioned thanks to the generous support of the Bremgarten Castle Cultural Fund, the Ober-Gerwern Society and the Blacksmiths’ Guild.”

For more details, click here.