Charlotte Seither (CRF 2012) has a series of concerts coming up this November. See below for details.

November 13 2021
Davis / USA
University of California
Ann E. Pitzer Center
Recital Hall
Ensemble BerlinPianoPercussion

Running Circles (2011). Ya-Ou Xie und Sawami Kyoshi, Pianist, and Adam Weisman und Simonie Beneventi, Drums

November 13 2021
Deutscher Tonkünstlerverband Sachsen-Anhalt (DTKV)
in cooperation with the Musical Competence Center Magdeburg
Magic of Sounds
, the 25th Youth Composition Competition. Prize winners concert: jury chairmanship and moderation of the award winners’ concert by Charlotte Seither. Other jury members: Ragna Schirmer, pianist Babette Haag, drummer Jens Klimek, composer Christoph J. Keller, DTKV Lower Saxony Frank Helfrich, publisher)

November 13th 2021
Schwartzsche Villa, 8PM
New Music for Piano Trio

Equal ways of difference (2011) for Violin, Violoncello, and Piano
Emil Naudé, Violin; Julius von Wrochem, Violoncello; Luciano Hausmann Hervida, Piano

November 29 2021

Städtische Museen, 7:30PM
Concert series “perspektiven” Solo recital Matthias Lorenz, violoncello. krü (2019), Violoncello solo