A feature in Literary Hub about Advisory Council Member Ann Kjellberg (DG 2016) on her past job at FSG, being Susan Sontag’s assistant, and her innovative new book review platform.

Book Post, Kjellberg’s new project, is a digital newsletter intended to bring the serious books criticism Kjellberg so cherishes into the digital era and to a broader readership.

“I think there are sort of categories of newsletters: there are the ones that are diaristic, where people sign on because they love you and they just want to hear from you—and I’m supposed to be doing that, but I’m an editor! I can barely use the first person singular!” Kjellberg says, laughing. “And then there’s the kind of specialist model, where somebody knows something really special people will pay a lot to learn how to do—say, a certain kind of coding. But what I’m doing is more like a magazine in installments. There’s not really a precedent for it, and it’s a little hard to explain.”

Read more here.