Victoria Redel’s (DG 2010) poem “The Pact” was shared on poem-a-day today. Today is also World Poetry Day; Civitella treasures poetry as an important forms of cultural and linguistic expression. We are thankful for the many great poets who have been and will be Civitella Fellows.

All those years—paw of again, paw of let’s go
of lake-plash, of come throw, perked ear
of what’s that? of yanked back who’s that?
unsettled pacer of storms, investigator of grass,
distinguished scholar of curbside, delighted
roller in the perfume of foul, sleek 
fetcher, sock chewer, under table sleeper,
taut leaper into air & pond—then, all at once,
it became her turn & the reliable 
body began—the unimaginable undoing; 

while we—scratchers of belly & ear, callers of hey, 
come back, diligent trainers of down come,
companions of dawn, partners of rain,
& errand, stick throwers, ball wranglers, 
chair readers & nappers,
while at our feet with twitch & yelp,
she rustles through the high grass of dream—
understood it was now our turn, 
which meant—as it does with each animal sorrow
—doing the unimaginable.

Click here to listen to the poet read and reflect on the piece.