The Lexi Rudnitsky First Book Prize competition is open to self-identifying women who have yet to publish a full-length book of poems. Previous recipients include Molly McCully Brown (CRF 2017), Kimberly Grey (CRF 2016), Anni Liu (CRF 2022), Sarah Matthes (CRF 2021), Valencia Robin, Alexandra Teague (CRF 2019), and many others. The recipient receives an advance of $1,000, publication of her collection by Persea, and the option of an all-expenses-paid residency at the Civitella Ranieri Center.

Entrants must identify as a woman, regardless of assigned gender, and must be U.S. citizens and/or currently residing in the United States. Submissions should be at least 48 pages of poetry, by one author, and primarily in English. Complete eligibility guidelines are available at