Join us at 6 PM on Wednesday, April 12th for an evening of poetry in celebration of National Poetry Month at our Tribeca office. A handful of poets from Civitella’s last two seasons will be reading: Mark Doty (DG 2021), Marie Howe (CRF 2022), Diane Mehta (CRF 2021), Ocean Vuong (DG 2022), and Matvei Yankelevich (CRF 2022).

Refreshments at 6, with the reading to begin at 6:30 and a brief Q&A to follow. 

Our address is: 28 Hubert Street, New York, NY 10013

Limited seating available. Masks required. Books are available for a donation. Friends are welcome. 

RSVP via email to

Mark Doty (DG 2021) is a poet, essayist, and memoirist whose most recent books include What Is the Grass (W.W. Norton, 2020), a memoir about his poetic relationship with Walt Whitman, and the poetry collection Deep Lane (W.W. Norton, 2015). About poetry, Doty has said: “Poems are always made alone, somewhere on the edge of things, and if they succeed they are saturated with the texture of the uniquely felt life.” 

Marie Howe (CRF 2022) is the author of four poetry volumes, most recently Magdalene: Poems (W.W. Norton, 2017), which imagines Mary Magdalene in a contemporary landscape. Howe told us this: “The poems I love hold the unsayable – as a forest holds a clearing.” 

Diane Mehta (CRF 2021), a lyric poet, critic, novelist, and essayist, has a collection of poems, Tiny Extravaganzas, forthcoming in the fall from Arrowsmith Press and a novel, Leaving Malabar Hill in 2024 from OR Books. She has been reading Dante with two other Civitella Fellows since her residency, and is writing a poetry cycle in response to Dante’s obsessions and stories in La divina commedia.  

Ocean Vuong (DG 2022), poet, essayist, and novelist, most recently published the poetry collection Time is a Mother (Penguin Random House, 2022), a reflection on time and loss. Vuong has said about the continual growth of a poem, “The poem is like a tree, and the book is a photograph of the tree.” 

Matvei Yankelevich (CRF 2021), poet, editor, and translator, plays with traditional winter themes in his latest collection Dead Winter (Fonograf Editions, 2022). Yankelevich has said “I am interested in writing, especially poetry, as the kind of thing that nobody needs that you don’t get paid for. You make it for society and society rejects it, you know?”